- Poem - The Messengers Of AH Y AH
I want to be, The Messenger Of AH Y AH.
This is what I want. I know, it sounds vain, but I do not care, I would wash his feet if, they were there.
Diviner then the Suns everyone could Never compare.
Yet, this Sun is the closest to compare. Meaning? Magnificent, how you shine, and make me feel, so GOOD inside.
How you feed the Green to make Us Sheen? DIVINE, DIVINE, DIVINE!
How you make me Sing to Keep me SAIN, (kain?) Chase the Clouds and heat the Ground?
How it sounds may seem vain, but I mean what I'm sayin.
EZEKIEL Thirty Seven will Bring In Heaven, Is What I'm Sayin.
REVELATIONS Eleven, Is What I'm Sayin.
I know what I want. What I want is... I Want To Be The One. THE MESSENGER OF AHYAH
- by Plahu Yacob ZakiyYAH
The Messeger of AHYAH- by Plahu Yacob ZakiyYAH |
read by Dawid - Download AUDIO - coming soon |
-- Chancellor Jamed Williams

Chancellor James Williams an African-American sociologist, historian and writer. The author of The Destruction of Black Civilization (1971).Williams was born on December 22, 1893, in Bennettsville, South Carolina, as the last of five children; his father was a former slave, while his mother was a cook, nurse, and evangelist.
"I was very sensitive about the position of Black people in the town... I wanted to know how you explain this great difference. How is it that we were in such low circumstances as compared to the whites? And when they answered 'slavery' as the explanation, then I wanted to know where we came from."
Williams earned an undergraduate degree in Education in 1930 followed by a Master of Arts degree in History in 1935, both from Howard University. After completing a doctoral dissertation on the socioeconomic significance of the storefront church movement in the United States since 1920, he was awarded a Ph.D. in history and sociology by American University in 1949. Dr. Williams passed do to respiratory failure on December 7, 1992. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Mattie Williams of Washington, and 14 children; 36 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren. (I am looking for a link, so that we can support Dr.Williams family. Who owns his book?)
NOTE: For the past few days every time I link a video to this page the YouTube account that is hosting this video is told to take it down. I can only imagine why someone on YouTube fears Dr. Williams and Dr. Clark's information, therefore I decided to find a more stable source. I found a company called The African History Network. I wrote a email to them the other day in the hope of sharing information to better server our people. - Still
Like I mentioned in the broadcast, " Rise Of The Black Messiah-Ezekiel 37 Free At Last " I was very ignorant about our history concerning Egypt. The good news is I found this company called The African History Network, they are located in Detroit. I think it is a good source to start with. If someone thinks that there is a better source or another one I can try, please send me a message to Dawid Yacob at Hebrews Wake Up, I sent out an olive branch of peace the other day to the manager of this site in the hopes of opening a channel of communication. My goal is to join with our people in the Kemetic community and learn from them, our people (Not the European Rosicrucian). I plan to create a Syllabus of Books and Videos, that we can all use to get up to speed on our story and culture. Therefore if YouTube is playing games and trying to create problems, we will be immune. We are only as STRONG as our weakest link and LOVE is our Strength.
- Much Love and Respect - PLahu The Teacher
History Lecutre by - Amiri Baraka more info |
Dr Chancellor Williams - Speaks with Oggi Ogburn |
Please visit Dr Chancellor James Williams memorial page HERE.
- Poem - A Women Like Moses,
-Poem (A Women Like Moses) :
I wrote this poem today for our Beautiful Ancestor, my Hero, Harriet Tubman. by Plahu Yacob Zakkiyah
" Harriet is my name, don't call me AraMinta, it makes me sick when I say it,
sounds to close to Aramaic. Minta was I named, when I was slaved,
so call me Harriet AH Hotep. Moses, Moses, Moses the tracks are laid.
Give me Liberty or Give me death. AHYAH link the pawns, pump my Blood, Breathe your Breath.
Give me Liberty or Give me death. AHYAH link the pawns, pump my Blood, Now! Lets play Chess.
Harriet AH Hotep, A women Like Moses. AH Yes Yes, AH Yes Yes.
Harriet AH Hotep, Moses, Moses, Moses the FREEDOM track is laid.
Pawns become Rebels, because Rebels are not slaves. " - Plahu /2013
All Praise AHYAH.
A Women Like Moses - by Plahu Yacob ZakiyYAH |
read by Dawid - Download AUDIO - coming soon |
-- Harriet Tubman
Hello my friends, I am thinking about putting a "This Day, and our History" section on HWUNET. I got the idea from the Good News Website. It will be kind of like the Black OUR-Story Month in February, but it will be every Month! So let us start with December 6th 1849. Think about it, in 1849, We Were still Chattel slaves! Why and how? Because you are a Hebrew of the Seed of Yacob. The system of the Beast is the same today as yesterday. People like Harriet Tubman forced 1865, which created a Civil War.
They call our beautiful Ancestor the Moses of Her People. How much has changed since 1849 and today? We see the 99% being controlled by the demonic so called elite, the Parasites. The ones in control today are the children and grand Children of families like, the Rothchild Family, the Portuguese House of Habsburg, commonly known as the Philippine Dynasty, JP Morgan Chase, Saxe Coburg Gotha Family and of course the Rockefellers Family. We now know that these same families are part of the 1% that has enslaved, and usurped our Planet called Earth. How much has changed? It looks like things have gotten worse for all man kind. So let's send love, honor and respect to my HERO, Our Queen Harriet Tubman. Let's all ask AHYAH our YAHUAH to please send us another one.
" I would fight for my liberty so long as my strength lasted, and if the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me. "
Harriet Tubman
" I never lost a passenger. "
Harriet Tubman
" I had crossed the line. I was free; but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land.. "
Harriet Tubman
Till AHYAH " take me ". |
In YAH'S Hands. |
PSALMS 137 - GENESIS 15:13. |
" I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything. The sun came up like gold through the trees, and I felt like I was in heaven. "
Harriet Tubman
" Never wound a snake; kill it. "
Harriet Tubman
" I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can't say; I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger. "
Harriet Tubman
Freedom! |
How could his Kingdom Stand? |
Freedom Railroad. |
" Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. "
Harriet Tubman
" I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves. "
Harriet Tubman
" I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other. "
Harriet Tubman
The Messenger Of AHYAH. |
Are You a Slave? |
Give me Liberty or Give me Death. |
" Lord, I'm going to hold steady on to You and You've got to see me through. "
Harriet Tubman
" If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more. More, Could, Thousands "
Harriet Tubman
" Quakers almost as good as colored. They call themselves friends and you can trust them every time. "
Harriet Tubman
Hebrews Wake Up! |
The other 99 Percent. |
" I grew up like a neglected weed - ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. "
Harriet Tubman
" You'll be free or die! "
Harriet Tubman
" I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger. "
Harriet Tubman
Bondage. |
Liberty. |
A Women Like AH-HOTEP. |
Please visit - Harriet Tubman information page.
- Poem - Steve Cokely. Thanks.
What a mad sad world have they weaved, for Us to believe, conceived by the deceived a Paradise for thieves.
Disguised as royalty, destroyed by dishonesty, rebuilt by fake unity, destroyed by mutiny, rebuilt by disloyalty
ruled by insanity, supported by buffoonery and lets not forget coonery.
As you take a bow and show your TEETH, here is your dream to become a GREEK.
A Cecil, Rho, Ho, Chi, Rho, Roth-Child, Chi Rho, Rho, Roach. X marks the spot in place of your soul.
As you temporally party a member of the Boule, or better stated Foole, I give thanks to Steve Cokely he exposed
your ass Royally. A Cecil Rhodes, Ho, Chi Rho.
What a mad sad world have they weaved, for Us to believe, conceived by the deceived a Paradise for thieves.
As we live on our knees in the sight of Our Believed, AHYAH! How did you rule with such ease?
It was the easily deceived, exposed by Brother Steve. What a mad sad world have they weaved?
- by Plahu Yacob ZakiyYAH
Steve Cokely. Thanks. - by Plahu Yacob ZakiyYAH |
read by Dawid - Download AUDIO - coming soon |
-- Steve Cokely
Steve Cokely

Letter From Steve Cokley:
In my many years in pursuit of the "core of negativity," I have done about as well as could be expected with limited and no financial resources. YOU AND I TOGETHER, have been able to "translate into a digestible form" relevant information about the program for world control by exposing its agents; the infamous Trilateral Commission, its sister the Council on Foreign Relations, their uncle the Bilderberger Group, their cousins in those secret societies like Skull and Bones, the Black Godfather of Greek societies SIGMA PI PHI, BOULE and the guardian Free Masons.
Every city is now aware of the Circle Within a Circle Rhodes Rothschild Secret Society and how ritualized Blacks assist in protecting the names of those who "own and operate" this country. They stole the government, they prostituted medicine, they corrupted law enforcement, they bastardized education, they monopolized the economy through mergers, takeovers and bankruptcies. They killed our leaders, destroyed our organizations and enslaved our ancestors—all without guilt, Our families are at risk because of their family's aggression and colonization of our peoples.
We have maintained the standard that in fighting WHITE SUPREMACY, you must NAMETHE NAMES.
In every city, at each stop we compelled our people to put their finger on the pulse of crucial issues, and programs that operate against our community. We have built a network of common thinking people who are better prepared to pinpoint pressure centers for change.
How did we find these evil Cabals? Simply, because we were looking for them. We stand alone, for our consistent pressure on NOW INTEL PRO, the present day spy system, by exposing and confronting reachable spies.
Intention plus capability equals threat, pawns linked together, The BOGARD, Check, Will There Be Any Niggers in the Year 2000, Operations Golden Seal and Smelly Pants are acronyms known throughout our neighborhoods.
For once, I would like not to worry about money to cover this journey through the Evil Land of OZ, to pull the curtain on the Wizard. We need $10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, 200 or more. A monthly commitment I can count on, to back a Brother up. If you would be so kind as to help me, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to better serve us. More can be accomplished.
We've lost some key brothers lately, Kwame Ture, Khallid Abdul Muhammad, Harold Washington, Tupac Shakur, just to name a few. Help me now while I still live., .in the form of Steve Cokely.
Please call me at 202-256-2097 before you mail your contribution or monthly commitment to me.
For your monthly commitment, please state the amount, date of expectation, return address and telephone number of sender. Thank you.
P.S.- Members do have privileges. My telephone number is (202) 256-2097. - Your Brother Steve Cokley
The Assassination of Dr. Khallid Muhammad. |
Tutu 'not invited' to Mandela funeral Why?

South African peace icon Desmond Tutu said on Saturday he was not invited to the burial of his friend Nelson Mandela, amid allegations he was snubbed for political reasons. "Much as I would have loved to attend the service to say a final farewell to someone I loved and treasured, it would have been disrespectful to Tata to gatecrash what was billed as a private family funeral," Tutu said in a statement. "Had I or my office been informed that I would be welcome, there is no way on earth that I would have missed it." Staff said Tutu cancelled a Friday flight to Eastern Cape "after receiving no indication that his name was on any guest or accreditation list". Earlier, the Nobel laureate's daughter, Mpho Tutu, who heads his foundation, told AFP that he would not attend because he "is not an accredited clergy person for the event". Tutu's account of the events was at odds with that given by the government of President Jacob Zuma, which the clergyman has publicly criticized. Amid public outcry, the presidency insisted that Tutu was on the list of invited dignitaries to the burial. "I have been checking and he is definitely on the list," presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj told AFP, saying he was "taken aback" by the news that the man known fondly as the "Arch" was not invited. "The Arch is not an ordinary church person, he is a special person in our country and he is definitely on the list," said Maharaj, promising to sort out any misunderstanding that may have arisen.
"If there's any problem we will try to iron that out, but I can assure you that he is on the programme."
West Africa Democracy Radio
So is Desmond Tutu a friend or a Foe?
Well lets Check. First lets look at "Anglo-Israelism is British Israelism ". Here is what is said about this religion, "British Israelites who are proponents of Hine's German-Assyria connection do not believe that the Anglo-Saxons were Germanic, but instead of Scythian heritage, who ultimately descended from the ancient Israelites" Now keep in mind, this report is telling us that there is a connection to the Scythians(Check the link for more info.) Below is a quick look at the root of the "Anglo-Israelism is British Israelism".
Scythian = Ashkenazi, "THE KHAZAR ORIGIN IS OF THE ASHKENAZIM" which is Scythian.
The Ancient Israelites = Hyksos, and the HYKSOS became the SCYTHIAN.
Therefore Anglo-Saxon Christianity is also Anglo-Israelism. Anglo-Saxon Christianity is the core of the Church of England. England is Great Britain and Britain is home of British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism). Desmond Tutu was Primate(the Bishop in Chess) of the Anglican Church of the Province of South Africa. Therefore Desmond Tutu represents the will of the Queen. Why? Because she is the Supreme Governor of The Church Of England. Which means Desmond Tutu is a Powerful (Pawn/ Bishop FOR Anglo-Saxon Christianity). The religion called Anglo-Saxon Christianity is the Religion of the " white minority rule ".
Shades of Gray: From Wikipedia:" Through his writings and lectures at home and abroad, Tutu consistently advocated reconciliation between all parties involved in apartheid. Tutu's opposition to apartheid was vigorous and unequivocal, and he was outspoken both in South Africa and abroad. He often compared apartheid to Nazism; as a result the government twice revoked his passport, and he was jailed briefly in 1980 after a protest march. It was thought by many that Tutu's increasing international reputation and his rigorous advocacy of non-violence protected him from harsher penalties. Tutu was also harsh in his criticism of the violent tactics of some anti-apartheid groups such as the African National Congress and denounced terrorism and Communism. "

ROOT OF THE ANC: " Sol Plaatje - was an activist and politician he spent much of his life in the struggle for the enfranchisement and liberation of African people. He was a founder member and first General Secretary of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), which would become the African National Congress (ANC) ten years later. As a member of an SANNC deputation he traveled to England to protest the Natives Land Act, 1913, and later to Canada and the United States where he met Marcus Garvey and W. E. B. Du Bois. "
From Wikipedia: " Desmond Tutu headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission(a commission controlled by the UN). He retired as Archbishop of Cape Town in 1996 and was made emeritus Archbishop of Cape Town, an honorary title that is unusual in the Anglican church "

Now you have enough information to start your research to answer this Quest-ion. Is Desmond Tutu a friend or a Foe?
Black People Are Waking Up! - Plahu the Teacher